Advice for Autists and Neuro-typicals

Autists: Be yourself. It's a horrible cliche, I know. But that's the thing about cliches: they're said so often because they're generally true. You really do need to be yourself if you're autistic. Please don't try to be normal. To be neuro-typical (NT). It will only leave you feeling exhausted and you'll burn out. Unfortunately, … Continue reading Advice for Autists and Neuro-typicals

The Upsides of Autism

The psychologist who initially diagnosed me spent the better part of our final session taking me through the challenges autistic people are likely to face.  Then she gave me a sheet of paper with "strengths" written at the top, for me to fill out myself.  Never did.  So here it is publicised, I guess.  It … Continue reading The Upsides of Autism