About this blog

The autism community needs more acceptance and understanding.
Especially acceptance.
I’ve been on a very personal journey recently, at time of writing this (late-April, 2021). It was identified that I’m on the spectrum in 2019, at 34 years old. In 2020 I spent almost the entire year in rehabilitation from alcoholism – very successfully.
Now my thoughts turn to what was the major underlying factor in my drinking.
It’s relatively easy to understand others. All it takes is to listen. It’s quite a passive gesture, compared to acceptance.
Neurodivergent people as a rule make tremendous effort to understand and accept neurotypicals in order to at least survive. It’s time for neurotypicals to return the favour, because quite frankly I’m exhausted, and I’ve noticed a general exhaustion in common with my autistic brothers and sisters.
The detail in terms of why and how the predominantly neurotypical world needs to better understand and accept autistics will be outlined, explicitly or not, in this, my newly rebranded blog formerly known as Word Journeys.
The journey, as it were, is over. I’ve arrived. I’m autistic, and I speak from the heart.
All writing and photography conceived and owned by me unless otherwise stipulated (or obvious).
Comments are closed to avoid any more bigotry on top of that neurodivergents face every day, merely by existing.

I am aware my page’s URL is wordjourneyer, its title is Autism from the Heart, and my content is principally poetry, but that’s ok 😄

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